import random import parsy # TODO: functions # TODO: nested groups ROLL_LIMIT = 1000 def num(x): if int(x) == x: return int(x) return float(x) class Group(object): def __init__(self, items): self.items = items self.keep = None self.drop = None self.succ = None = None def __repr__(self): return ''.format( ' '.join([repr(x) for x in self.items]), self.keep, self.drop, self.succ, def __str__(self): calculated = self._calculated() kept = self.kept() result = [] for i, x in enumerate(self.items): if i in kept: if len(self.items) > 1 and self.succ: if self.succ(calculated[i]): result.append('__{0}__'.format(x)) elif and[i]): result.append('*{0}*'.format(x)) else: result.append(str(x)) else: result.append(str(x)) else: result.append('~~*{0}*~~'.format(x)) return '**{{** {0} **}}**'.format(' + '.join(result)) def _subrolls(self, tree): def traverse(node, subrolls): try: traverse(node.left, subrolls) traverse(node.right, subrolls) except AttributeError: try: node.result subrolls.append(node) except AttributeError: return subrolls = [] traverse(tree, subrolls) return subrolls def _make_expression(self, tree): def exp(x): def copy(node): try: return Operation(node.op, node.func, copy(node.left), copy(node.right)) except AttributeError: try: node.result return num(x) except AttributeError: return num(node) new_tree = copy(tree) try: return new_tree.calc() except AttributeError: return num(new_tree) return exp def _update_subrolls(self, subrolls): results = [(r, i, j, s) for i, s in enumerate(subrolls) for j, r in enumerate(s.result) if j in s.kept()] results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: (x[0], len(subrolls) - x[1], len(x[3].result) - x[2])) if self.keep: if self.keep[1]: results = results[:round(self.keep[0])] else: results = results[-round(self.keep[0]):] if self.drop: if self.drop[1]: results = results[:-round(self.drop[0])] else: results = results[round(self.drop[0]):] for subroll in subrolls: subroll.group_kept = [] for _, _, i, subroll in results: subroll.group_kept.append(i) def _calculated(self): # FIXME: nested groups if len(self.items) == 1: subrolls = self._subrolls(self.items[0]) self._update_subrolls(subrolls) if len(subrolls) == 1: exp = self._make_expression(self.items[0]) if self.succ: subrolls[0].succ = lambda x: self.succ(exp(x)) if subrolls[0].fail = lambda x: return [subrolls[0].calc()] elif self.succ: raise RuntimeError('Multiple rolls in a single subroll are not allowed!') result = [] for item in self.items: try: result.append(item.calc()) except AttributeError: result.append(num(item)) return result def kept(self): if len(self.items) == 1: return [0] calculated = self._calculated() result = sorted(enumerate(calculated), key=lambda x: (x[1], len(calculated) - x[0])) if self.keep: if self.keep[1]: result = result[:round(self.keep[0])] else: result = result[-round(self.keep[0]):] if self.drop: if self.drop[1]: result = result[:-round(self.drop[0])] else: result = result[round(self.drop[0]):] return list(list(zip(*sorted(result)))[0]) def filtered(self): calculated = self._calculated() kept = self.kept() return [x for i, x in enumerate(calculated) if i in kept] def calc(self): filtered = self.filtered() if len(self.items) > 1: if self.succ: result = len([x for x in filtered if self.succ(x)]) if result -= len([x for x in filtered if]) return result return sum(filtered) class Operation(object): def __init__(self, op, func, left, right): self.op = op self.func = func self.left = left self.right = right def __repr__(self): return '<{0} {1} {2}>'.format(self.op, repr(self.left), repr(self.right)) def __str__(self): # FIXME: get rid of unneeded parentheses return '( {0} {1} {2} )'.format(str(self.left), self.op.replace('*', '\\*'), str(self.right)) def calc(self): try: left = self.left.calc() except AttributeError: left = num(self.left) try: right = self.right.calc() except AttributeError: right = num(self.right) return self.func(left, right) class Roll(object): def __init__(self, result): self.result = result self.label = None self.keep = None self.drop = None self.succ = None = None self.group_kept = None def __repr__(self): return ''.format( self.result, self.label, self.keep, self.drop, self.succ, def __str__(self): kept = self.kept() result = [] for i, x in enumerate(self.result): if i in kept: if self.succ: if self.succ(x): result.append('__{0}__'.format(x)) elif and result.append('*{0}*'.format(x)) else: result.append(str(x)) else: result.append(str(x)) else: result.append('~~*{0}*~~'.format(x)) return '**(** {0} **)**'.format(' + '.join(result)) def kept(self): if self.group_kept is not None: return self.group_kept result = sorted(enumerate(self.result), key=lambda x: (x[1], len(self.result) - x[0])) if self.keep: if self.keep[1]: result = result[:round(self.keep[0])] else: result = result[-round(self.keep[0]):] if self.drop: if self.drop[1]: result = result[:-round(self.drop[0])] else: result = result[round(self.drop[0]):] return list(list(zip(*sorted(result)))[0]) def filtered(self): kept = self.kept() return [x for i, x in enumerate(self.result) if i in kept] def calc(self): filtered = self.filtered() if self.succ: result = len([x for x in filtered if self.succ(x)]) if result -= len([x for x in filtered if]) return result else: return sum(filtered) class Parser(object): @classmethod def tokenize(cls, formula): whitespace = parsy.regex(r'\s*') number = parsy.regex(r'(0|[1-9][0-9]*)([.][0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?').map(float) expression = (whitespace >> ( (parsy.regex(r'\*{2}|[()*/%+-]') | number | parsy.regex(r'\[.*?\]') | parsy.regex(r'\!{2}|\!p|mt|ro|k[hl]|d[hl]|s[ad]|[{}dFfmkdrs!,<>=]') ) << whitespace)).many() return expression.parse(formula) @classmethod def parse(cls, tokens): @parsy.generate def group_failures(): result = yield group_successes yield parsy.match_item('f') comparison.operator_required = False condition = yield comparison = condition return result @parsy.generate def group_successes(): result = yield group_drop comparison.operator_required = True condition = yield comparison | parsy.success('') if not condition: return result result.succ = condition return result @parsy.generate def group_drop(): result = yield group_keep modifier = yield parsy.test_item(lambda x: x in ['d', 'dh', 'dl'], 'd[h|l]') | parsy.success('') if not modifier: return result count = yield number result.drop = (count, modifier == 'dh') return result @parsy.generate def group_keep(): result = yield group modifier = yield parsy.test_item(lambda x: x in ['k', 'kh', 'kl'], 'k[h|l]') | parsy.success('') if not modifier: return result count = yield number result.keep = (count, modifier == 'kl') return result @parsy.generate def group(): yield parsy.match_item('{') #result = yield group_simple result = yield expression_additive result = Group([result]) while True: end = yield parsy.match_item('}') | parsy.success('') if end: break yield parsy.match_item(',') #other = yield group_simple other = yield expression_additive result.items.append(other) return result @parsy.generate def expression_additive(): result = yield expression_multiplicative sign = parsy.match_item('+') | parsy.match_item('-') while True: operation = yield sign | parsy.success('') if not operation: break operand = yield expression_multiplicative if operation == '+': result = Operation(operation, lambda x, y: x + y, result, operand) elif operation == '-': result = Operation(operation, lambda x, y: x - y, result, operand) return result @parsy.generate def expression_multiplicative(): result = yield expression_exponential operator = parsy.match_item('*') | parsy.match_item('/') | parsy.match_item('%') while True: operation = yield operator | parsy.success('') if not operation: break operand = yield expression_exponential if operation == '*': result = Operation(operation, lambda x, y: x * y, result, operand) elif operation == '/': result = Operation(operation, lambda x, y: x / y, result, operand) elif operation == '%': result = Operation(operation, lambda x, y: x % y, result, operand) return result @parsy.generate def expression_exponential(): result = yield expression_simple operator = parsy.match_item('**') while True: operation = yield operator | parsy.success('') if not operation: break operand = yield expression_simple if operation == '**': result = Operation(operation, lambda x, y: x ** y, result, operand) return result @parsy.generate def roll(): result = yield failures | successes label = parsy.test_item(lambda x: x.startswith('[') and x.endswith(']'), '[LABEL]') label = yield label | parsy.success(None) if label: label = label[1:-1] result.label = label return result @parsy.generate def failures(): result = yield successes yield parsy.match_item('f') comparison.operator_required = False condition = yield comparison = condition return result @parsy.generate def successes(): result = yield drop comparison.operator_required = True condition = yield comparison | parsy.success('') if not condition: return result result.succ = condition return result @parsy.generate def drop(): result = yield keep modifier = yield parsy.test_item(lambda x: x in ['d', 'dh', 'dl'], 'd[h|l]') | parsy.success('') if not modifier: return result count = yield number result.drop = (count, modifier == 'dh') return result @parsy.generate def keep(): result = yield modifiers modifier = yield parsy.test_item(lambda x: x in ['k', 'kh', 'kl'], 'k[h|l]') | parsy.success('') if not modifier: return result count = yield number result.keep = (count, modifier == 'kl') return result @parsy.generate def modifiers(): result, dice = yield basic_roll modifications = {} while True: prio, modify = yield exploding | compounding | penetrating | reroll | sort | parsy.success((None, None)) if not prio: break if not prio in modifications: modifications[prio] = [] modifications[prio].append(modify) for prio, m in sorted(modifications.items()): if prio == 4: # reroll changed = True while changed: for modify in m: new_result, dice = modify(result, dice) changed = new_result != result result = new_result if changed: break else: for modify in m: result, dice = modify(result, dice) return Roll(result) @parsy.generate def sort(): modifier = yield parsy.test_item(lambda x: x in ['s', 'sa', 'sd'], 's[a|d]') def modify(result, dice): result = sorted(result, reverse=(modifier == 'sd')) return result, dice return 5, modify @parsy.generate def reroll(): modifier = yield parsy.test_item(lambda x: x in ['r', 'ro'], 'r[o]') comparison.operator_required = False condition = yield comparison def modify(result, dice): result = result[:] i = 0 while i < len(result): cnt = 0 while condition(result[i], dice[0]): result[i] = random.choice(dice) if modifier == 'ro': break cnt += 1 if cnt > ROLL_LIMIT: raise RuntimeError('Roll limit reached!') i += 1 return result, dice return 4, modify @parsy.generate def penetrating(): yield parsy.match_item('!p') comparison.operator_required = False condition = yield comparison def modify(result, dice): result = result[:] i = 0 while i < len(result): sub = [result[i]] cnt = 0 while condition(sub[-1], dice[-1]): sub.append(random.choice(dice)) cnt += 1 if cnt > ROLL_LIMIT: raise RuntimeError('Roll limit reached!') result[i+1 : i+1] = [x - 1 for x in sub][1:] i += len(sub) return result, dice return 3, modify @parsy.generate def compounding(): yield parsy.match_item('!!') comparison.operator_required = False condition = yield comparison def modify(result, dice): result = result[:] i = 0 while i < len(result): sub = [result[i]] cnt = 0 while condition(sub[-1], dice[-1]): sub.append(random.choice(dice)) cnt += 1 if cnt > ROLL_LIMIT: raise RuntimeError('Roll limit reached!') result[i] = sum(sub) i += 1 return result, dice return 2, modify @parsy.generate def exploding(): yield parsy.match_item('!') comparison.operator_required = False condition = yield comparison def modify(result, dice): result = result[:] i = 0 while i < len(result): sub = [result[i]] cnt = 0 while condition(sub[-1], dice[-1]): sub.append(random.choice(dice)) cnt += 1 if cnt > ROLL_LIMIT: raise RuntimeError('Roll limit reached!') result[i: i+1] = sub i += len(sub) return result, dice return 1, modify @parsy.generate def comparison(): operator = parsy.match_item('<') | parsy.match_item('>') | parsy.match_item('=') if comparison.operator_required: operation = yield operator else: operation = yield operator | parsy.success('') if operation: operand = yield number else: operand = yield number | parsy.success('') def condition(value, default=None): if operation == '<': return value <= operand elif operation == '>': return value >= operand elif operation == '=': return value == operand elif operand: return value == operand else: return value == default return condition @parsy.generate def basic_roll(): count = yield computed_simple yield parsy.match_item('d') sides = yield computed_simple | parsy.match_item('F') dice = [-1, 0, 1] if sides == 'F' else [x + 1 for x in range(round(sides))] result = [random.choice(dice) for _ in range(round(count))] return result, dice @parsy.generate def computed_additive(): result = yield computed_multiplicative sign = parsy.match_item('+') | parsy.match_item('-') while True: operation = yield sign | parsy.success('') if not operation: break operand = yield computed_multiplicative if operation == '+': result += operand elif operation == '-': result -= operand return result @parsy.generate def computed_multiplicative(): result = yield computed_exponential operator = parsy.match_item('*') | parsy.match_item('/') | parsy.match_item('%') while True: operation = yield operator | parsy.success('') if not operation: break operand = yield computed_exponential if operation == '*': result *= operand elif operation == '/': result /= operand elif operation == '%': result %= operand return result @parsy.generate def computed_exponential(): result = yield computed_simple operator = parsy.match_item('**') while True: operation = yield operator | parsy.success('') if not operation: break operand = yield computed_simple if operation == '**': result **= operand return result @parsy.generate def number(): sign = yield parsy.match_item('+') | parsy.match_item('-') | parsy.success('+') value = yield parsy.test_item(lambda x: isinstance(x, float), 'number') return num(value if sign == '+' else -value) computed_simple = (parsy.match_item('(') >> computed_additive << parsy.match_item(')')) | number expression_simple = roll | (parsy.match_item('(') >> expression_additive << parsy.match_item(')')) | number group_simple = group_failures | group_successes | expression_additive return group_simple.parse(tokens) class Roll20Error(Exception): pass class Roll20(object): @classmethod def execute(cls, formula): try: tokens = Parser.tokenize(formula) result = Parser.parse(tokens) try: calculated = result.calc() except AttributeError: calculated = num(result) return '{0} = __**{1}**__'.format(str(result), calculated) except (parsy.ParseError, RuntimeError) as e: raise Roll20Error(str(e))