import functools import re import string import from commands import CommandError # $username --> Sweet! Thanks for the quote! #$id: $response QUOTE_ADDED_PATTERN = re.compile(r'''^ (?P.+)\s+-->\s+ Sweet!\s+Thanks\s+for\s+the\s+quote!\s+ \#(?P\d+):\s+ (?P.+)\s+ \[(?P.+)\]\s+ \[(?P.+)\]$''', re.VERBOSE) # $username --> Successfully edited Quote #$id: $response QUOTE_EDITED_PATTERN = re.compile(r'''^ (?P.+)\s+-->\s+ Successfully\s+edited\s+Quote\s+ \#(?P\d+):\s+ (?P.+)\s+ \[(?P.+)\]\s+ \[(?P.+)\]$''', re.VERBOSE) # $username --> Successfully deleted Quote #$id. QUOTE_REMOVED_PATTERN = re.compile(r'''^ (?P.+)\s+-->\s+ Successfully\s+deleted\s+Quote\s+ \#(?P\d+)\.$''', re.VERBOSE) class TwitchClient( def __init__(self, config, logger, commands): self.config = config self.logger = logger self.commands = commands self.patterns = [ (QUOTE_ADDED_PATTERN, self._add_quote), (QUOTE_EDITED_PATTERN, self._edit_quote), (QUOTE_REMOVED_PATTERN, self._remove_quote), ] self.supported_commands = [ (re.compile(r'^!lastquote$'), self._do_lastquote), (re.compile(r'^!findquote\s+(?P")?(?P.+)(?(q)")$'), self._do_findquote), (re.compile(r'^!syncquotes$'), self._do_syncquotes), (re.compile(r'^!(bella(gram|pics)|insta(gram|bella))$'), self._do_bellagram), (re.compile(r'^!yt\s+(?P")?(?P.+)(?(q)")$'), self._do_yt), (re.compile(r'^!clip\s+(?P")?(?P.+)(?(q)")$'), self._do_clip), ] server = self.config['IRC'].get('server') port = self.config['IRC'].getint('port') nickname = self.config['IRC'].get('nickname') token = self.config['Twitch'].get('token')'Connecting to %s:%d', server, port) super(TwitchClient, self).__init__([(server, port, token)], nickname, nickname) def connect_(self): self._connect() def process_data(self): self.reactor.process_once() def on_welcome(self, connection, event): connection.cap('REQ', '') connection.cap('REQ', '') connection.cap('REQ', '') for channel in self.config['IRC'].get('channels').split(','): channel = '#{0}'.format(channel)'Joining %s', channel) connection.join(channel) def on_join(self, connection, event):'Joined %s', def on_pubmsg(self, connection, event): self._process_message(connection, event) def on_whisper(self, connection, event): self._process_message(connection, event) def _send_response(self, connection, event, msg): if'#'): connection.privmsg(, msg) else: connection.privmsg('#jtv', '/w {0} {1}'.format(event.source.nick, msg)) def _process_message(self, connection, event): tags = {t['key']: t['value'] for t in event.tags} message = ''.join([c for c in event.arguments[0] if c in string.printable]) message = message.rstrip() send_response = functools.partial(self._send_response, connection, event) for pattern, action in self.patterns + self.supported_commands: m = pattern.match(message) if m: action(tags, send_response, **m.groupdict()) def _add_quote(self, tags, send_response, user, id, text, game, date, **kwargs): if text[0] == text[-1] == '"': text = text[1:-1]'Adding quote %s: %s', id, text) try: self.commands.add_quote(id, text, game, date) except CommandError as e: self.logger.error('Failed to add quote: %s', e) def _edit_quote(self, tags, send_response, user, id, text, game, date, **kwargs): if text[0] == text[-1] == '"': text = text[1:-1]'Editing quote %s: %s', id, text) try: self.commands.edit_quote(id, text, game, date) except CommandError as e: self.logger.error('Failed to add quote: %s', e) def _remove_quote(self, tags, send_response, user, id, **kwargs):'Removing quote %s', id) try: self.commands.remove_quote(id) except CommandError as e: self.logger.error('Failed to remove quote: %s', e) def _do_lastquote(self, tags, send_response, **kwargs): try: quote = self.commands.last_quote() except CommandError as e: send_response('Sorry @{0}, {1}'.format(tags['display-name'], e)) else: send_response('!quote {0}'.format(quote['id'])) def _do_findquote(self, tags, send_response, filter, **kwargs): try: quote = self.commands.find_quote(filter) except CommandError as e: send_response('Sorry @{0}, {1}'.format(tags['display-name'], e)) else: send_response('!quote {0}'.format(quote['id'])) def _do_syncquotes(self, tags, send_response, **kwargs): master_user_id = self.config['Twitch'].getint('master_user_id') if int(tags['user-id']) != master_user_id: respond('Sorry @{0}, you are not allowed to do this'.format(tags['display-name'])) return try: messages = self.commands.get_quote_messages() except CommandError as e: self.logger.error('Failed to get quote messages: %s', e) else: for message in messages: for pattern, action in self.patterns: m = pattern.match(message) if m: action(tags, send_response, **m.groupdict()) def _do_bellagram(self, tags, send_response, **kwargs): try: bellagram = self.commands.bellagram() except CommandError as e: send_response('Sorry @{0}, {1}'.format(tags['display-name'], e)) else: send_response(bellagram['url']) def _do_yt(self, tags, send_response, query, **kwargs): try: result = self.commands.query_youtube(query) except CommandError as e: send_response('Sorry @{0}, {1}'.format(tags['display-name'], e)) else: send_response('{0}: {1}'.format(result['title'], result['url'])) def _do_clip(self, tags, send_response, filter, **kwargs): try: result = self.commands.find_clip(filter) except CommandError as e: send_response('Sorry @{0}, {1}'.format(tags['display-name'], e)) else: send_response('{0}: {1}'.format(result['title'], result['url']))